Our homes are supposed to be safe havens where we can relax and recover from what we’ve come across in the outside world. Unfortunately, we unconsciously bring home the world and all its bacteria, germs, viruses, and pathogens we call Germumus through dirty hands, shoes, clothing, and phones. These germs have mastered the art of creeping in and will stealthily live in some hard-to-clean areas.

Our home ‘may’ look clean, but it does not mean they’re free of contaminants that could affect our health. Prof. Joel C. Cornista, current President of the Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc. says, “We come in contact with bacteria and viruses every day and millions of these linger on fabric items such as mattresses, sofas, rugs, and curtains, and the like. Dusting or vacuuming every few weeks may be helpful but bacteria and viruses can still grow in these items in between your general cleaning days. Exposure to these bacteria and viruses may lead to infections and trigger allergies, and so it will be wise to ‘degerm’ these items daily.”

A 1 Spray and Protect Homes with the new Downy Antibac+ Fabric Spray!

Cleaning should not be confused or used interchangeably with disinfecting. The former means you are removing germs but not killing them, while the latter means you are actually killing them. Vacuum couches and sofas to clean debris and dirt from the surface. Be sure not to forget the crevices where dirt can accumulate. Wash curtains twice or more with cool or lukewarm water and mild detergent. Change your bedsheets and pillowcases at least once a week as they can have a buildup of oils, dirt, and sweat from daily use. Having them professionally cleaned at least once a year or every quarter if you have pets or kids. If you can’t schedule a pro, use a sponge or soft-bristle brush and work a cleaning solution into a lather. Thoroughly vacuum area rugs on both sides or take the smaller rugs outdoors and shake them off regularly. Clean hard-to-wash items like bags, shoes, pet bed, and even office chairs by vacuuming to remove loose dirt or running the covers in the washing machine (if possible) using the warmest appropriate water setting. Regular laundering of fabrics and cleaning soft surfaces with soap and water will go a long way.

C 1 Spray and Protect Homes with the new Downy Antibac+ Fabric Spray!
B 1 Spray and Protect Homes with the new Downy Antibac+ Fabric Spray!

As for disinfecting, killing those germumus in your hard-to-wash fabrics is now quick and easy with the NEW Downy Antibac+ Fabric Spray. It penetrates deeply into fabrics to remove 99.9% of germs and eliminate odors, making our homes germ-free and smelling fresh instantly. Use this on your bed and mattresses, couch, curtains, and even on your shoes and bags.

D Spray and Protect Homes with the new Downy Antibac+ Fabric Spray!

Intensify your cleaning game with the Downy Antibac+ Fabric Spray to ensure your home smells fresh and germumu-free all day, every day.

Downy Antibac+ Fabric Spray in Original and Kontra Amoy Pawis variants are now available at all supermarkets nationwide, and online thru Shopee and Lazada. For more updates, like @DownyPhilippines on Facebook.