Criselda whisks you away to a fantastical summer sanctuary with their latest collection that melds tropical vibes with a touch of surrealism. “Fashion swings both ways this summer as we breeze through everything synthetic in nature and beautiful in the real world,” says the brand’s creative team.

CRISELDA NOURIN MAXI DRESS PHP 4950 1 Escape to Glamorous Fantasy with Criselda's SS24 Collection

Their SS24 collection boasts clean-lined, minimalist silhouettes in a captivating array of glamorous colors. Think lush blues, alongside delicate pops of apricot and lilac. The prints are reminiscent of peering through a kaleidoscope, with earthly themes like florals and geometric patterns taking on a hyper-realistic, almost digital, dimension. Soft, seductive silhouettes reign supreme, with flowing caftans, billowing sleeves, and maxi dresses offering effortless elegance from day to night.

Eye-catching highlights include bright, abstract print dresses that flatter any figure, luxurious maxi skirts paired with flowing silk tops, and sophisticated occasion wear ensembles in neutral tones, black, fuchsia, and a vibrant green.

Staying true to their commitment to comfort and breathability, Criselda’s pieces utilize soft, light, and airy fabrics like cotton, rayon, and charmeuse for daytime wear, transitioning to elegant organza, chiffon, and silk for evening. Their signature Mikado and Gazar fabrics continue to make an appearance throughout the collection, ensuring that dramatic Criselda statement that has become synonymous with the brand.

This season, elevate your style with Criselda’s bold sophistication. Explore the SS24 collection at Rustan’s Makati, Shangrila, Alabang, Cebu, and Gateway.