More than half of Filipinos are ready for long-term relationships with 40% searching for holidates

Bumble, the women-first dating & social networking app, has revealed the results of its recently commissioned study on traveling and holidating among single adults in the Philippines. As Filipinos start to plan when and where to put up their Christmas trees, Bumble found out that 56% of them have expressed they are looking for a long-term relationship after most pandemic protocols have eased and more establishments are open for face-to-face interactions, with only 5% indicating that they do not want to date at all. This is despite almost half (49%) of those surveyed stating that they are more anxious to date now than as compared to before the pandemic.

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DSC2493 Looking for Holidate: Bumble's recent study sheds light on Filipinos' search for the perfect cuddle weather buddy as the holidays roll in
DSC2519 Looking for Holidate: Bumble's recent study sheds light on Filipinos' search for the perfect cuddle weather buddy as the holidays roll in

With the holidays getting closer, 2 in 5 Filipinos are looking for someone to spend the holidays with. The study further showed that 27% of people want a date to bring to family gatherings, while 12% would get in a relationship for gifts. “Wala ka pa ring jowa?” (You don’t have a partner yet?) can be a hurtful remark for some people—11% of Filipinos expressed their desire to have a partner due to family pressure, with single male Millennials being the most likely demographic (14%) to be susceptible to this trend.

When asked about why they would bring a date to a family gathering, Filipinos cite family pressure (23%)and being the only single attending the gathering (23%) as their top reasons.

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We know that dating in this post-Covid world can feel anxiety-inducing, as people can feel out of practice and more self-conscious than they felt before the pandemic. Looking for love can also be stressful during the holidays when there are increased social and cultural pressures. The good news is that Filipinos still love love, with the majority wanting to make connections in the coming months. With so many people open to meeting someone, we are bound to see many Bumble success stories born from this holidating season. Apps like Bumble are a great way to get back into the dating scene, and we are excited to empower women in the Philippines to take control of their dating journey and make the first move,” APAC Communications Director of Bumble, Lucille McCart shared.

DSC2690 Looking for Holidate: Bumble's recent study sheds light on Filipinos' search for the perfect cuddle weather buddy as the holidays roll in

The holidays aren’t just prime dating season; it’s also the perfect time to travel. 7 in 10 Filipinos are likely to seek a holiday romance while traveling, with men (72%) being slightly more likely than women (68%) to do so. Ultimately, most Filipinos fall back on tourist activities (38%), followed by online or apps (35%) to find their holiday romance.

When asked, close to three-quarters (74%) of respondents are open to and will consider using dating apps while they’re traveling, with more than 1 in 4 polled sharing that they’ve actually used and connected with people via dating apps before.

Research in neuroscience and psychobiology consistently confirms that we are innately social beings and that meaningful relationships help us thrive. However, despite our sincere attempts to connect with others, we sometimes make mistakes. Yet because we are wired to connect, we continue to seek healthy and equitable connections with others. Bumble is certainly admirable for providing everyone, especially women, with the means to do so. With their efforts, more women are empowered to do something about connecting and to create their luck,” shared Bumble’s relationship expert, clinical psychologist Dr. Margie Holmes.

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DSC2751 Looking for Holidate: Bumble's recent study sheds light on Filipinos' search for the perfect cuddle weather buddy as the holidays roll in
DSC2590 Looking for Holidate: Bumble's recent study sheds light on Filipinos' search for the perfect cuddle weather buddy as the holidays roll in
DSC2444 Looking for Holidate: Bumble's recent study sheds light on Filipinos' search for the perfect cuddle weather buddy as the holidays roll in

For people who want to join the holidating scene and travel with someone special, Bumble is a great platform to connect with new people. What sets Bumble apart is that no matter the type of relationship, women always make the first move.

Bumble is free and widely available in the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and the web.