The ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA) is a non-profit tourism association formed in 1971 comprising 35 members from both public and private tourism sector organizations, such as national travel associations, national hotel associations, airlines, and National Tourism Organizations from ASEAN Countries. Since then, it has played an integral role in shaping travel and tourism development within the ASEAN region in line with the ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan.

Because the pandemic has brought unprecedented disruption to the travel and tourism sector as borders have been closed and large gatherings discouraged, ASEANTA has adapted by shifting from physical to virtual through online exhibitions, webinars, digital marketing campaigns, and more.

PHOTO 5 ASEANTA Travel Exchange ATEX Signing of Agreement ASEANTA and Fusionex launches a virtual platform to amplify global business opportunities in travel and tourism

ASEANTA in partnership with Fusionex, the multi-award-winning data technology leader specializing in analytics, big data management, IR 4.0, internet of things, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, introduces the ATEX (ASEAN Travel Exchange), a comprehensive virtual exhibition and engagement platform, to help facilitate an inclusive business environment and provide greater access to new markets.

Pak Eddy Krismeidi President of ASEANTA Head of Indonesia Affairs Policy Airasia ASEANTA and Fusionex launches a virtual platform to amplify global business opportunities in travel and tourism

This collaboration between ASEANTA and Fusionex is a historical event—a true ASEAN partnership bringing together the combined resources of ASEAN member states, in both the public and private sector, to take tourism in the region to new levels and to firmly establish ASEAN as one of the most viable and attractive tourist destinations in the world,” said Pak Eddy Krismeidi Soemawilaga, President of ASEANTA.

The fully digital platform is designed to be more flexible than the ASEAN Tourism Forum to allow the industry to be faster in responding and adapting to the ever-changing tourism landscape especially during these trying times. Designed to keep the branding of ASEAN at the forefront of global tourism, ATEX will be held quarterly with different countries hosting, allowing destinations to focus on the uniqueness of their tourism products in line with ASEAN tourism objectives and goals. The virtual event will also focus on promotions, innovation, and specially curated content to address the needs of the tourism community within ASEAN and the interest of source markets looking to buy into ASEAN.

ATEX will not be possible, thanks to its other key player—Fusionex. Featured on Forbes, Bloomberg, Gartner, IDC, Forrester, Edison, and Huffington Post, Fusionex is the largest big data analytics company and market leader in ASEAN, bringing state-of-the-art, innovative, and breakthrough data-driven platforms to its stable of clientele which includes Fortune 500, FTSE companies, large conglomerates, as well as a wide array of small and medium enterprises [SMEs]) that spans across the United States, Europe, as well as the Asia Pacific.

Photo 1 Dato Seri Ivan Teh CEO of Fusionex Group ASEANTA and Fusionex launches a virtual platform to amplify global business opportunities in travel and tourism

As Covid-19 has brought the travel and tourism sector to a halt, ASEANTA has demonstrated its dedication to the industry by embracing digitalization to bring new avenues of progress to pave the way for the future of travel, hospitality, and tourism. We are proud to be joining forces with ASEANTA to introduce ATEX to the region as it will play a crucial role in empowering all industry players to innovate, share, collaborate and do business—helping enterprises to cope with the pandemic and new norm for continued sustainability,” said Fusionex Group CEO Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh.

For more info and updates about ASEANTA and the ASEAN Travel Exchange, visit or log on to To learn more about Fusionex, visit