Monsoons are already here and are knocking on the doorbells. Indeed, who doesn’t love rains? Monsoon and the wet mud fragrance give a complete refreshment. Peeping out of the window, watching the pearl-like droplets on the green grass, sipping a hot cup of coffee! Monsoons can be the ultimate weather to enjoy the most, but is it the same for our laundry?

Samsung 2021 WM FL Combo KV Stress-Free Laundry Days with Samsung’s Washer and Dryer Lineup

The rain sometimes happens for days on end and it can cause endless frustration for those of us who have to get through laundry loads quickly every day especially when there’s barely any sun or limited space to dry the clothes. But with the help of Samsung’s washing and drying machines, any laundry chore can be adapted to fit those with a fast-paced lifestyle and different clothing care needs.

For hassle-free and personalized washing. Doing laundry for different types of clothes or other home furnishings (such as beddings or curtains) can be an overwhelming task especially when managing home chores all at once. To make the laundry hassle-free and efficient, the Washer Dryer Front Load Combo’s (WD75T554DBE) AI Control feature familiarizes itself with user preferences and combines that knowledge to provide automatic suggestions of wash cycles on its display. This feature also gives updates on the washing status of a certain cycle. Forgot to put clothes that need washing? This washer-dryer has an AddWash feature that lets extra clothing or detergent get added into the wash cycle or allows to pop in hand-washed clothes in the cycle to spin dry.

For stubborn stains. One of the most tiresome parts of doing laundry is cleaning out stubborn stains that just won’t go away easily. Using the Front Load Washer (WW75T554DTT)’s Eco Bubble technology, detergent is turned into soft bubbles allowing for faster penetration to remove dirt easily even in cold water—all these while saving energy and protecting the texture and color of the fabric.

For delicate fabrics. Anyone who is meticulous with the care of their fabrics would be hesitant to use an actual dryer to dry out their delicate clothes. The Front Load Dryer (DV80T5220TT)’s OptimalDry feature uses a temperature sensor and monitors the humidity level to prevent clothing from absorbing too much heat to ensure that it won’t be damaged. Additionally, the dryer’s AI Control can help in remembering drying habits and suggest cycles while the Heat Pump Technology gently dries the clothes without using too much electricity to get the job done.

For busy multi-taskers. To maximize time while attending to other household tasks, users can remotely control the laundry settings of the Front Load Washer (WW75T554DTT ), Front Load Dryer (DV80T5220TT), and Washer Dryer Front Load Combo (WD75T554DBE)  by using a smartphone with the SmartThings app. Get notified once the cycle is done, never skip laundry chores with the Laundry Planner function, and check recommended wash cycles with the Laundry Recipe for a truly personalized laundry experience.

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