By Dexter Francis De Vera

Our dads have been drinking coffee for as long as we can remember. This year, Nespresso is gearing up for Father’s Day with exciting coffee machines, accessories, in limited-offer bundles for the man who mean the world to us.

CREATISTA PLUS FATHERS DAY GIFT SET P39250 from P43500 1 Make coffee moments with Dad memorable with these coffee machines from Nespresso

If you’re in the market for a new coffee maker and love lattes or cappuccinos like your Dad, then you should consider the Nespresso Creatista Plus. This machine will enable you to easily create authentic, top-quality latte coffee art at home, thanks to the Nespresso system’s convenience and coffee expertise combined with Breville’s advanced milk texturing technology integrated for the first time to a portioned coffee machine.

ATELIER FATHERS DAY GIFT SET P31750 from P36000 1 Make coffee moments with Dad memorable with these coffee machines from Nespresso

Make Dad his favorite iced cappuccino, macchiato, or mocha easily with the Nespresso Atelier. Whether hot or cold, you are the craftsman of your coffee & milk recipes. Thanks to its innovative steam & froth technology your recipes are created directly into your cup, at the touch of a button. This machine is your workbench, with a technology that allows you to froth any type of milk and plant-based alternatives, such as almond or soy drink—all directly into your cup. And come the summer days, cool down with an Iced Recipe thanks to the cold frothing possibilities.

ESSENZA PLUS RED FATHERS DAY GIFT SET P17250 from P19500 Make coffee moments with Dad memorable with these coffee machines from Nespresso

Whether for an Espresso, a Lungo, an Americano, or any hot water option, the Essenza Plus is your kind of machine. An Americano is a long and mild coffee preparation prepared with coffee and hot water. The coffee becomes smooth, sweet, and round while keeping its intrinsic character. The Essenza Plus offers two Americano pre-programmed recipes.

GRAN LATTISSIMA FATHERS DAY GIFT SET P33250 from P35500 Make coffee moments with Dad memorable with these coffee machines from Nespresso

Buy any of these Nespresso bundles—Essenza Plus, Pixie, Citiz, Lattissima One, Lattissima Touch, Gran Lattissima, Pixie Aeroccino 3, Citiz Aeroccino 3, or Essenza Plus Aeroccino 3 with 3-sleeve Barista Creations for Ice for free, a complimentary 2-piece VIEW Recipe Glasses and a Monin Syrup kit and save P2,250.

Purchase an Atelier or Creatista Plus with 3-sleeves of Barista Creations for Ice for free, a complimentary 2-piece VIEW Recipe Glasses, Monin Syrup kit, and a Cube Capsule Dispenser and take as much as P4,250.

Start your Nespresso journey with these fuss-free machines that are designed to perfectly fit your kitchen counter, and give Dad his quality cup of coffee every morning.

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