Herbalife, a global nutrition company, is offering crucial advice on bouncing back and ensuring quality rest for a healthy and active lifestyle.

Proper sleep is crucial for physical well-being and adaptability to life’s demands. Improving sleep duration and quality is essential to bounce back quickly from time changes, travel, and stress. People have been adjusting to late nights since childhood, and knowing how to bounce back soon and get good rest is essential. It is necessary to understand the importance of sleep and the factors that can improve it.

Sleep is essential to nearly every one of the body’s processes and plays a critical role in keeping us mentally and physically well. I still wonder why we should make sleep such a priority.

Sleep is important because it benefits brain function, including cognition, concentration, productivity, and performance. It can also play a role in maintaining or losing weight, maximizing fitness performance, and supporting healthy immune function. Lastly, it influences the ability to regulate emotions

  1. Eat Well to Sleep Well

Did you know that what and when you eat can affect your sleep? It’s best to avoid heavy meals right before bedtime and caffeine, alcohol, and acidic, spicy, sugary, or high-fat foods. Of course, everyone is different, but consuming these types of drinks or meals late in the evening can leave most tossing and turning as their digestive system works to process everything.

Instead, try the following to make the most of your nightly snooze: eating your heaviest meal at lunch, sticking to a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, limiting limit sugar intake for kids, and capping adults’ caffeine and alcohol consumption in the afternoon and evening by swapping them for a calming cup of herbal tea.

  1. Exercise for Better Sleep

A lack of exercise can also contribute to a problematic cycle of sleeplessness. Little to no movement can increase stress, which can keep you up at night. In turn, that inability to sleep makes it difficult to be active due to increased daytime fatigue. From there, the cycle continues.

Because exercise has so many benefits, try to move your body daily. Simple, moderate-intensity exercises like walking and yoga will do the trick when it comes to getting better rest. Kids should enjoy daily playtime, and long walks as a family are just one of the ways you can reap the benefits of movement together.

  1. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Are you curious about what sleep hygiene is? It means creating an environment and adhering to routines that promote the most consistent, restful slumber. Sleep hygiene matters for everyone across the board, but kids and young adults stand to benefit the most, as it sets them up for success throughout life. First, set a sleep schedule. Try to go to sleep and wake up simultaneously each day, as this creates a rhythm of efficient sleep. Moreover, allow yourself and your kids 30 minutes to an hour to participate in activities that create a state of calm before bedtime (e.g., meditating, journaling, reading, listening to soothing music, etc.). Maintain your sleep space as cool, dark, quiet environments free of electronic distractions are best for rest. Go ahead and silence cell phones and turn off the TV. Finally, avoid daytime naps. If unavoidable, keep napping to short bursts of 30 minutes or less so as not to interfere with sleep at night

  1.  Create a Routine that Works for the Whole Family

A sleep routine for you and your family can create a healthy sense of order. It creates a dynamic where “sleep time” is shared throughout the household, thus likely making it easier for everyone to fall asleep. It will also keep you and your family’s already chaotic schedules more organized. Make sure to practice a new sleep routine until it’s habitual.

For example, a family is preparing to return from vacation, dealing with jet lag, and returning to work and school. They should begin establishing a sleep routine that will work for their incoming schedules while using the tips above to readjust quickly.

A good sleep schedule is a powerful tool for success, so use the advice in this article for your and your family’s health and prosperity.